About TAS Contract

TAS Contract combines innovation with best-in-class service to deliver the widest variety and quality of flooring products for every application and price point.

We’ve partnered with leading manufacturers to create custom products for a wide range of professional projects. Since then, TAS Contract has grown into a trusted partner that distributes the best in beautiful flooring varietals in all the latest trends.

Every selection is meticulously crafted using the latest industry state-of-the-art technology and made from the highest quality and most durable materials.

Our commitment to providing our partners with the greatest service and overall experience means we offer you the ability to select the products you want, when you want them. From large scale commercial projects to residential renovations, TAS Contract can help you transform your ideas from vision to reality.

Our TAS Contract Team

Our TAS Contract Team takes a holistic and consultative approach when working alongside our partners. We listen to your needs and identify the best and most cost-effective solution for your project and business.

At TAS, we go beyond the project scope—we care about collaborating with our partners and building long-term relationships.

TAS Contract Solutions

Segment Solutions

From industrial to residential, we offer a variety of options within every budget that allows you to get the most suitable product for every project need. Sheet vinyl, luxury vinyl, hardwood, self-leveling concrete-based products, or specialty coatings—we have them all. Let us help you find the right product mix.

Brand Network

With an assortment of top brands, the TAS Contract team will work hard to find the perfect fit. Ranging from finished products and brands such as Roppe, to the job site solutions provided by manufacturers such as Uzin and Custom Building Products, we can address every type of project with an appropriate solution based on your needs goals.

Custom Solutions

If you can’t find what you need, we are absolutely committed to creating customized solutions that work for our clients. You choose the level of performance, unique style, innovative design, and specific budget and let us curate a personalized flooring solution you can’t get anywhere else.

Technology & Innovation

At TAS Contract, we know consumers are savvy and demand the most cutting edge innovations available to solve real problems. We pay close attention to design trends as well as advancements in technology so we can deliver the best possible products in the widest variety.


A common problem, we look for products with inherent acoustical properties that will help solve in-room or transference of sound.


What good is a product if you can’t afford it. We offer a variety of options at every price point to meet bottom line needs and total cost of ownership (TCO).


We rigorously test our products both in the lab and out in the field to ensure our quality standards not only meet, but exceed certification standards.


Only limited by imagination, we can help curate all types of unique products or solutions that your project requires.


Investing for longevity, we offer industrial grade to residential use and everything in between.

Ease of Maintenance

Clients want a beautiful product that’s also easy to maintain and repair, even after installation.


A top priority for homeowners and businesses, we work to minimize environmental impact with products that provide peace of mind.


We offer numerous products that incorporate the most innovative technical advances in product waterproof performance.

Benefits of TAS Contract

Large Inventory & Network

17 locations provide inventory, warehousing, and logistics support with nationwide extended portfolio of manufacturers, including our own.

Custom Solutions

Can’t find exactly what you need? We work with our partners to create custom solutions that look beautiful, perform, and solve unique challenges.

Education & Training

Learn about the latest products on the market and what they offer. Get training on optimal use and installation.

Competitive Pricing

We want our partners to succeed. We offer options at every price point to meet bottom line needs and support total cost of ownership (TCO).

Product Trials

Ever want to try a product out before committing the expense? Our partner program offers trusted products to partners to test.

Dedicated Support

Beyond the purchase, we offer our partners a personal and dedicated solutions ambassador to ensure every projects success.

Work With Us!

Learn more about the benefits of working with TAS Contract. Submit the form and one of our representatives will contact you to get started